Amla for Skin and Hair

Amla for SKIN and HAIR

Brand Name -         Vinarghya

Common Names -  

                                       Indian Gooseberry 
                                       Dried Amla 
                                       Bahu Muli 

Description -  

                      Dried Amla, or Amla whole, is obtained by drying fresh amla fruits. During the drying process, water (the main ingredient), is mostly eliminated. Thus leaving the nutritions behind which includes the presence of chromium. Chromium has therapeutic value in diabetes. Amla is used world-wide. It has medicinal purposes and is used for various ailments such as fever, liver disorder, indigestion, anemia, heart complaints and urinary problems. Amla is also known to have many beauty benefits. Used in many skin-care and hair-care products, it will freshen your skin and make your hair feel healthy, shiny and smooth. Take pieces of dry amla, soak in water overnight, and use the water to rinse your hair in the shower. Amla whole can be taken orally. Also a great source of Vitamin C! Ingredient: Dry amla.

Helps Increase Hair Growth

High In Digestive Fiber

Helps to Makes Skin Glow 

Benefits of Amla

1) Slows down agening
2) Cures a sore throught
3) Fights against heart diseases
4) Increases diuretic activities
5) Increases Metabolic activity
6) High in digestive fiber
7) Boosts Immunity
8) Prevents formation of gall bladder stone
9) Prevents Ulcers
10) Anti- inflammatory action
11) Improves eye sight
12) Purifies blood
13) Strengthen bones
14) Glow on skin and hair
15) Cools the body
16) Prevents constipation
17) Prevents Jaundice
18) Reduces the risk of cancer
19) Protects liver
20) Brighten skin
21) Reduces pigmentation
22) Helps increases hair grow

For more details and to buy at reasonable price with quality you can contact on 9518943929.


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